This kit contains the Materials, Instructions and Pattern to make a felt Habitat Log. The log has two Shelf fungi growing out it’s side and two tall Fairy toadstools. The finished piece will measure approximately 11cm long, 8cm tall. It can be added to the Forest landscape kit and Perfect Toadstool kit to complete the scene.
If you can cut fabric neatly and sew some basic small hand stitching then you can make this kit.
This kit contains:
- Colour 1: Pure wool felt for the Log, naturally dyed with Walnut hulls
-Colour 2 and 3: Pure wool felt for the Shelf Fungi Top and Underside, naturally dyed with fustic or marigold flowers (Yellow, orange)
-Colours 4 and 5: Pure wool felt for the Tall Fairy Toadstools Top and Underside, naturally dyed with Madder root or fustic. (Coral pink, orange)
-Pure wool stuffing for the Log
- A pipe cleaner
-Paper pattern
You will need:
-Paper scissors and sharp, small fabric scissors
-Sewing needle and pins
-Some sewing and embroidery thread of your choice.
- Some yarn in your choice of colour or a texta to colour the pipecleaner (optional only)